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How it Works
  • 1
    Create a free account
  • 2
    Select a taxyear and enteryour base
  • 3
    Enter your tripinformation
  • 4
    Click “CalculateReport” button
  • 5
    Enter yourpaymentinformation
  • 6
    Print, downloador emailyour report
People Who Benefit
Flight Crew
Truck drivers
Train Crew
Bus Drivers
Business Owners

If you travel for work and are reimbursed under a non-accountable reimbursement plan, our Per Diem Report may save you significant tax dollars.

Our industry exclusive algorithm guarantees that our reports will calculate the largest legal tax deduction for your away from home meal expenses. The best part is you don’t have to keep any receipts or log your expenses. Our report is all you need to substantiate your deduction. We’ve been calculating per diem reports since 1990 and have a 100% approval rate with the IRS and state tax agencies. Once you see how much our report will save you on your tax return, you’ll probably want to amend prior year returns to reclaim overpaid taxes.